A Life without Limits
Tracie Miles

“.... God formed man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life. The man came alive – a living soul!” Genesis 2:5 (MSG)

I was enjoying my morning run as the sun was shining, birds were singing, and the fragrant smell of honeysuckles filled the air. Suddenly I was startled by the loud sound of barking and noticed a dog, sitting near a garage, barking her little doggie lungs out. Although her bark seemed fierce, she did not run toward me. She was old; her hair was shaggy and faded; she was tired; her legs didn’t work as well as they used to; and she no longer had the physical strength or energy to dart across the yard. However, she chose not to allow her limitations to stop her voice from being heard. I admired her for her tenacity, and for her passion to fulfill her purpose of protection for her owners. Even though she now had challenges that prevented her from doing all she once did, she still gave it all she had.

I had to ask myself if I exert that same energy for Christ, even when limitations have befallen me. So many times we allow the circumstances of our lives and the limitations of our physical bodies to keep us from living out loud with our faith. The Webster definition of “living” is “the condition of being alive,” but the biblical definition of “living” is that the Holy Spirit resides within our bodies and also within our souls. We’re told in Genesis 2 that “God formed Man out of dirt from the ground and blew into his nostrils the breath of life. The Man came alive—a living soul!” Adam's body was formed from the dust, but his spirit was made in the image of God. Every person on earth can live – but only those who have accepted Christ as the true son of God are truly alive in body, heart and soul.

The decision to become a Christian is the beginning of a new life where many opportunities and challenges await us. Once we accept that new life, we are faced with another decision – will we live out our faith on a daily basis, despite our circumstances, challenges, and even physical limitations? Scripture teaches us that limitations in our life or physical bodies do not limit our abilities in Christ and we can find our strength in Him. Isaiah 40:29 says:

“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak; even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

God is the giver of all life – not just the physical life of bodies, but the gift of living souls. If you have allowed your physical limitations to keep you from living out loud, ask God to show you how you can continue to serve Him, and for the strength to do His will despite your circumstances. If you have never asked Christ into your life, consider making that amazing choice today. Visit the “Do You Know Him” link below. Give God the opportunity to breathe life into your soul, to fill your heart with a love that is overflowing, and a passion to share the hope you have found with others as you live for Him.

Dear Lord, Help me know You are my strength and look past my own insecurities and limitations to dedicate my life to loving, praising and glorifying You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Related Resources:
Do you know Him?

Reinventing Your Rainbow by Tracie Miles

The Character of God: Understanding His Heart for Us by Brian T. Anderson and Glynnis Whitwer

Application Steps:
Consider things in your life that may be preventing you from living your faith out loud, and ask God to give you strength to triumph over those earthly limitations.

Do I need to ask God for the ability to see past my limitations and see His will for my life?

Do I truly believe that I can soar on wings like eagles if I put all faith in Christ?

Power Verses:
Matthew 5:14-16, "Here's another way to put it: You're here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We're going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don't think I'm going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I'm putting you on a light stand. Now that I've put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you'll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven. (MSG)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want to show the light of God to live my faithout loud knowing that God is there to help me, to catch me when I fall, and to help me back up. To encourage me and to sustain me.

Dear God,
I pray that as we make this new venture into private practice again that you bring the clients that Peter needs to see that they would be fruitfula nd that he can spend more time at home. I know that we have made some mistakes and we are trying very hard to fix them now. Give us grace as we try. Give us wisdom on where to put our money and how we should spend it to make the best effort of reducing our debt. Please increase our income to pay down what we owe and get to a place where we can work one job and focus as much as you want us to on raising our family. I understand that this is the natural consequence of not using money right the first time that it was given. I pray that you find us faithful and that you increase our money coming in to meet our needs and pay down debt. Help our faithfulness hsine brightly to our children and to others. YOu are a great God and I thank you fro my family. I pray you heal both of my children, as they are sick. Give them heathly bodies to enjoy our upcoming vacation. Help me to commit to 7:30 I know that i need that time.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forgive me for anything that I did like my harsh words to my daughter and my yelling. Fudgemental heart and words about others.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, Lord, that I can soar on eagles wings when I put my trust in You. Thank you that You are the Light of the world and that You want to shine clearly and brightly thru me today. Let me be shining for all that I am worth on that lampstand and on that hill today no matter what limitations may come. Just let me shine forth with Your light and love that people may be drawn to You as I am drawn to You.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thank you Lord for being my provider and my shield. I pray for my provider # to come so I can begin to work soon. I pray for the well being of my husband and children...

I praise you Lord and your unfailing love and protection.

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