When God Stoops
Marybeth Whalen

“The Lord looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God.” Psalm 14:2 (NIV)

My four-year-old will often buzz by me in a flurry of motion—usually running too fast while fleeing the scene of a crime or carrying a sharp object. If I yell after him some form of admonishment, he rarely hears it. I have found that for my discipline and instruction to have the most effect, I must stop what I am doing, stoop down on his level, and look him in the eye. When I do this, he and I can connect on a meaningful level.

The other day I came across Genesis 6:8, which says, “But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.” A note in my study Bible informs me that the word “favor” in this verse is from a root meaning “to bend or stoop.” Basically this verse points out that God stooped down from His place on high to offer His favor to a lowly human who didn’t really deserve it and could never earn it. God was condescending, which means “to deal as an equal with one of inferior rank.”

This idea is mentioned again in Zechariah 12:10, when God promises to “pour out… a spirit of grace and supplication” on the people. The image painted in this verse is of God, seated on His throne in heaven, pouring down His grace upon His people. Just like I must look down to see my precious child, God must look down upon us to truly see us. The God of the Universe is willing to stoop down to connect with us. I don’t want to lose sight of His willingness to do that for me. I don’t want to be too busy and active—like my four-year-old—to hear His voice. How humbling it is to know that even when I do buzz by Him, unaware that He is calling out to me, He is still willing to pause in the midst of all His creation to offer me His favor - the grace and love He so freely pours out.

The other day, as my son was running out the door for a visit with his grandmother, I stopped him to tell him goodbye. I stooped down and looked him in the eye. I drank in the sight of his precious face and focused intently on him as I told him I loved him. This moment reminded me again that God loves me enough to stoop. I hope you will remember today that He loves you that much, too.

Dear Lord, help me to hear Your voice. Help me to remember how much You love me, and how much You long to connect with me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Related Resources:
Do you know Him?

He Speaks to Me by Priscilla Shirer

Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer

Application Steps:
Write down what is keeping you from hearing God’s voice right now. What can you do to remove those things from your life? Take steps to do so today. If you are in a time of stress and feel overwhelmed, commit to pray more often and more fervently than ever before. Rest in the fact that God in heaven will stoop down to connect with you, His precious child.

How does your view of God keep you from seeing Him as a loving God who would stoop down in order to connect with you?

What can you do to refocus your view?

How much does knowing His love mean to you?

Power Verses:
II Samuel 22:36, “You give me your shield of victory; you stoop down to make me great.” (NIV)

Psalm 113:5-6, “Who is like the Lord our God, the One who sits enthroned on high, who stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth?” (NIV)

Isaiah 57:15, “For this is what the high and lofty One says—he who lives forever, whose name is holy: ‘I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite’.” (NIV)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a wonderful picture--God showing us his favor by stooping down to our level! I was wondering: would you mind sharing the name of your study Bible or could you recommend one? Thanks!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a mom, I know what it feels like to buzz around all day and be busy busy busy and at 9 o clock when the kids are in bed and everything is done I sit down and think I didn't hear God or talk to him once today in all my flurry other that my short quiet time. I usually find myself discouraged because I know I missed some great opportunites in all my busyness. I want to slow down and be available for god to stoop down and remind me he loves me becasue I don't always feel that way.

I pray that you help me put my view of you in check. I know that I have been jaded in my view of you and have not sought after you in a while. I choose you in this moment. I decide at this moment to fall into you ask you to love on me as I feel so discouraged and unable to focus or be the mom you want me to be. I am confused and unable to decipher what you want us to do as a family. I am anxious about the future and I know I shouldn't be. I lay everything we are struggling withat your feet and believe that you will make up all the differencea nd that the love and care that our children need from us they will get. That they will feel loved by their mom and dad and that we can raise kids that love eachother, us and you. Give us guidance and wisdom as we try to get on track. We need to feel your love. I know we dont deseve it as we have neglected our relationship with you. Forgive us for that and hear our cries we want to hear from you. We want to see you stoop to us and clearly give us direction that cant be mistaken. We dont want to make a mistake here. Thank you for all you are doing and we choose to hear from you with out buzzing by. Amen.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are we so busy being busy? I have often wondered what will happen years from now, when our overscheduled children are adults attempting to raise their own children. I pray that I will allow my family time to be just that - a family. I pray that we will be patient and receive God's plan for our family.
Thank you for such a wonderful and remindful devotion.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad that God stoops down to our level. That is so helpful and encouraging. GOd, thank you for doing that. I appreciate you so much. You are so much more than I can ever imagine with my finite mind.Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your child. I pray that Your love will impact my children and granchildren thru me. Defeat busyness in my life. Thank you for what You are going to do.

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