Lord, What Should I Do?
Micca Monda Campbell

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3: 15-17 (NIV)

Let’s be honest. When it comes to making decisions, we tend to base them on our emotions and our thoughts. This is what I call using our “feelers” and “thinkers.” You’ve done it. I’ve done it. Haven’t we all said something such as, I’m just not “feeling” it, so I’m not going to send my kid to that school. Or what about, I "think” it’s the right thing to do.

I’m not saying that emotions and thoughts are entirely wrong; they’re just not entirely reliable. However, the principles of God are. So we need to trade in our indicators for God’s indicators. In today’s key verse, God lays out a map that will help us make good decisions based on His reliable principles.

First, our key verse tells us to let the word of Christ dwell in us. The truth of God is whatever God is saying to you. When you hide God’s Word in your heart, the Holy Spirit will use it to guide you in decision making. So before you decide who to date, what to do for a living, or which house to buy, listen to what God says first. Then compare what you think is right to what God says is right in His Word. The Proverbs warn us that “there is a way that seems right to man [and woman] but the end is death” (Proverbs 14:12, NIV). God’s way always leads to a good decision and a great life.

Second, we’re told to let the peace of Christ rule or reign in our hearts. The Greek word for rule is the word we would use for referee. A referee is someone who wears a whistle. If the ball is about to go out of bounds, the referee blows the whistle. You and I have a heavenly referee, the Holy Spirit, who gives us a great deal of freedom to live our lives. The Christian life is not a restricted journey. We are free to live and move and make choices. Although, when we are about to step out of bounds, the Holy Spirit blows his whistle as a warning. That warning comes often in the form of a lack of peace.

Finally, today’s verses tell us that whatever we do, to do it in the name of the Lord. If I can’t take the name of Jesus and stamp it on what I’m about to do, say, or where I am about to go without embarrassment or apology, then its best to back off. It’s not worth it, whatever it is. If you and I have the nature of Christ living in us then it doesn’t make sense for either of us to do something that isn’t consistent with His nature. So, if we can’t stamp His name all over the decision we’re about to make, then we should not do it.

Some of us today have families in trouble, and we’re trying to figure out which way to go. Others may be struggling emotionally or with financial decisions. There are those who are facing their career ahead, and others who are facing their retirement. Decisions need to be made. Yes, you have feelings and thoughts about these situations. They are not entirely wrong; they’re just not entirely trustworthy. Only the principles of God are entirely dependable. So take God’s map and let the spirit of God walk you through it. He’ll lead you in the way you should go.

Dear Lord, I don’t want to do anything that I can’t put Your name on. Thank You for providing a way for me to make good decisions while glorifying Your name. As I meditate on Your Word, speak to my heart and guide me with Your peace. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Related Resources:
30 Days to Taming Your Tongue
by Deborah Smith Pegues

Pierced By the Word: 31 Meditations for Your Soul by John Piper

Listen to Today’s Radio Show

Application Steps:
Begin studying and meditating on God’s Word today so that He can speak to your heart about any situation you face. Remember to compare what you think to what God says. Wait for peace, and be sure that you can stamp His name on it. If you can, then go for it!

What is you method for decision making? How has your method been a benefit to you?

How will following God’s principles for decision making benefit your life?

Who do you think is wiser when it come to the decisions you need to make in life: you or God?

Power Verses:
Psalm 32:8, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.” (NIV)

John 16:13, “But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.” (NIV)

Isaiah 58:11, “The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” (NIV)

Luke 1:79, “To shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace." (NIV)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just found your site today and I believe God led me directly to it. You see, I've been struggling with some decisions concerning my future - stay at home or work. I could hear God telling me to "trust in Him with all my heart..." and "His ways are not our ways..." and loudest is "seek FIRST His kingdom..." The devotion today was a confirmation of all He's been speaking to my heart. Though to man (my mom) it makes no sense for me to be a stay-at-home mom when my youngest is starting kindergarten, I feel in my heart its exactly what God wants and my husband is in agreement. I will stop fighting God and just praise Him for His care and His direction. Thank you for this timely devotion. Be blessed!

dutchess...thank you so much for your comments. I am struggling with the exact same thing - only I am at work and praying about whether I should quit and be at home. Would you be able to email me personally so we can "talk" more about this? Thank you!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am struggling with wanting to quit my job or find something part time. The problem is I have a really good job (financially) and my husband doesn't think it's possible.(to make up my income) I've tried to think of all these things I could do from home to make money and I'm thinking so much that I don't know what part is God's will or me just wanting it so bad

Blogger Micca said...

Hey girls,
We have a resource called, Work at Home, by Glynnis Whitwer. It may be just what you're looking for as you transiton from the workplace to working at home. Just Click or Paste the link below http://proverbs31.gospelcom.net/newresources_workHome.htm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord! I have been struggling with this area as well. I know we should not trust on feelings, but trust the Lord with our whole heart. I am so happy that He answered my prayer today. :) I am shouting to Him as I praise and dance with joy! This morning I said, "Lord, What Should I Do?" He told me to go and I did! Every morning when I wake up I will always remember to say "Lord, What Should I Do?" The day will be a lot brighter. Thank you Micca! God bless you. I will always ask the Lord every morning, all the time, this will be my number one question for Him!

Blogger pete said...

Princess of the King, I struggled with this same thing about staying home or going back to work, I chose to stay home and it was the best decision I ever made. email me if you want to talk

I want to allow god to be the one to guide me in decisions. I have used my feelers to make recent decisions and we have put ourselves into a tiht financial place.

Dear God,
Help me to seek your face about decisions help me to listen to that whistle when I am about to step out of bounds. Tune my ears into your voice I don't want to make mistakes that will only hurt me or my family in the future. Thank you that you are there to hold the reighns, help me to submit to that despite what I may think is best in my own human self. Give me time to commit to you fully. Show me what you desire from me. I know that i failed this morning and I am sorry i was distracted by the minnie dress, and I let that take precedent over you and I am sorry. Forgive me and cleanse my heart from all things that are not pleasing to you. Help me have patience today with my kids.

Blogger Uni said...

A friend of mine sent me your devotion for today to encourage me as my marriage is on the rocks and I have been totally devasted by the affair my husband is having. I was feeling like God has abandoned me to the situation and all hope was lost. I read the devotion and a few other earlier devotions and now my faith has been restored and hope has been born anew in my spirit. I will keep reading your devotions and being a doer of the word by reading and hiding God's word in my heart daily. I want to be a Proberbs 31 woman, don't think I ever will be because of so much sin in my life in the past, but I'll do what I can. Thanks for having a site for wives seeking to be the best wife God wants them to be.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have concern about staying at this particular grad school. I ask God, "Should I withdraw from this school? Should I apply to another school of my interst, or should I go back home and work?" I have so many things concerning me. I don't want my decisions get in the way of me hearing God...or thinking that that is what God wants for me? I just dont what he want me to do. I keep praying and reading His word? I need a word.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do I hear God's instructions. I read His word. I pray. I talk to Him... but I can not hear! I havebig decisions to make and I need Him to direct my paths and tell me what decisions are in His will.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This statement puzzles me:

"God’s way always leads to a good decision and a great life."

Do people who follow God's way always have a great life?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not who God has called me to be. I have been told some wild things of myself, that I'm a prophet, although I really dislike titles. I would assume even if it were true it would no longer even be on the table. All I know is that we are in a time unlike any other, a time where things are moving toward an end. We are over populated, we will not have enough clean water past 2012 for everyone on the planet. People are more selfish, more full of hate, the ground we walk on is always un-even. I know Jesus told us what is to come, but we cannot understand the depth of his words whilst in this vessel, we will see and experience things that no one in any other place in history has experienced, now is the time to be close to the Lord. Please do not buy into the rapture, it's just simply not in the bible, seriously the word cannot be found in the bibles pages. We are all meant to experience the tribulation, God will take us through it, if anything that is the bibles constant...God will take us through it. God Bless.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thankyou. I just want for my sons to have bright happy faces and not make bad choices. I want them to be happy while they can before they grow up and loose that happiness.

Im a very very sad single mom a long way from home. I came to the west from my home state SC to take care of my mother that didnt raise me.

It was the worst mistake of my life.

I uprooted my sons from everything they knew and now the culture, the enviorment, everything is wromg. I fear i ruined my sons life as well as my own. Their school I don't like. When I look at the children they have to play with I see future gang members. I just want to take them back home. I cry all the time and I am struggling here. I go to school my self. 5 classes this term. I pray, O Lord I pray to bring grace from your mother into my heart. Bring wisdom to my soul. Kiss my children while they sleep. Show them the way.....z28firefly@yahoo.com

Anonymous Anonymous said...

just because i am in a bad way tho does not mean we will not be ok. I am a strong mom and i dont want my heart to be selfish. At least I can hold my children while they sleep free from war and starvation. I am so very gratefull. That is why I don't pray for things. because i am fortunate in so many ways. Thankyou Lord for all the good things we have in this life. I am sorry to seem ungratefull.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonomus post from 2:50 something am?.........what i do is i dont listen to my brain or heart. i sepperate my own desires from what is at hand......there is an instinct we all have that tells us what we should do...............somehow and this might seem wierd but i think its a channel from God.........not your heart or your mind.........seperate your own desires............what is your instinct telling you?

hope it helps you.

I don't know why I am here. I googled a question to my Lord in tears and this is were it landed me.....i may never see this site again but I wish you all peace of the heart.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it seems all of us are struggling with the same thing, i also typed "Lord where do i go" in google haha. i'm deciding where to go in the world i have 5 locations to choose from.!!! but all in all it doesn't really matter what we do or where we go, all that matters to Jesus is our heart towards him, that we are growing in faith, that we are TRUSTING him and that peace will come along after that. all things work for the those who love him. If your sinning in where your at or you feel like the world is sucking you into the worthless things around you GET OUT, if your going somewhere to full your flesh desires DON'T GO. i have made too many bad decisions on wanting to go somewhere because i was going to meet my "husband" as we all do now and then (don't pretend you don't do it it meet girls guys out there) it was in those times where i was ONLY seeking the LORD i was totally happy and content. Live your life for Jesus only, and all things will fall into place!
God has the best for us all read ISAIAH 54!

Anonymous Michelle said...

I also googled a question to the lord asking what i should do and that is whag brought me here. I've been struggling lately with the decision to go to college. I had everything worked out and thought that everything was going to be great until august. First they dropped the major i wanted to take, then the school where i took my upgrading the school has been such a struggle just to get a transcript out of them. I thought i lost my seat so yesterday i drove down to the college, well tried to to change mycourse and my car suddenly broke down. I was lucky that the lord was watching over me as my car suddenly stopped working in a construction zone travelling down hill with a car travelling infront and behind me. My brakes had locked up but i was able to safely pull my car to the side of the road. So i just let everything go and said that if its not the right time for me as God seemed to be telling me then I won't attend school in the fall. Then 2-3 hrs later i get a call saying that they still are holding a spot for me for the initial program i wanted. They say to fax my unofficial transcript with i had with me as i was going to apply for another course. So i did that and 1-2 hrs later i get a call saying that they cant accept it since the college where i took the upgrading has a weird code name for the course.
So here i am today. Im swarming in debt i could go on monday and pay a ridiculous fee to send my transcripts from one instituion to another and hope everything works out, but i have no idea if it will.
I thought that God was giving me another chance and showing me the path to go with that lady calling yesterday telling me they were still holding my seat. But its such a battle to get my transcript from the other institution that i have to ask is it worth it...
I have an 18 month old daughter that i'd love to stay home with but i want to do some sort of schooling. My partner hasnt had any trouble with schooling and hes going to school in sept. Ive been accepted for a student loan that will catch us up on all of our bills, so id be less stressed finacially going to school. I know that money doesnt mean anything. I just want to be stress free.
Thankyou for having this site, what i read today made me realize that i just got to let go in order to see what the lird has in store for me.

Blogger emmanuel said...

You want to eat.. Go to work. You feel tired.. Go to sleep. God doesn't talk to everyone!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just found this site today. I’ve been wondering why God has been allowing our nation to fall apart, and all the fundamentals of freedom that our Founders painstakingly incorporated into the Constitution are being stripped away. In the OT nations that didn’t please God lost their freedoms and, over time, became subject to their enemies. Could this be happening to America? Most of us would think not. Most of us would be inclined to think that abortion, and gay marriage are what offends God most about the United States. But what about the wars in the Middle East? Are they Gods will? Have you ever prayed and asked God what He thinks about them, and whether or not our Christian support of the wars is pleasing to Him? What if Jesus doesn’t like His Name stamped all over such bloodshed? All I ask is that you ask God to tell what he thinks. Then act accordingly. Blessings.

Blogger Unknown said...

Praise the Lord!
I was trying had to make a career choice and i dint know wat to do. i jus googled "what should i do Lord" and ur site came.
It is a great blessing.
I thank the Almighty for using you so powerfully.
God bless u and continue to use you to bless many many more.

Blogger Unknown said...

I'm trying to make a decision for a future. I have an opportunity to serve full time for students in my city and at the same time now I have a job with great possibility for career growth.
Thank you for help and directions! God bless

Anonymous Manj said...

Today morning started with a sad note ,my heart is bleeding with the thought that after so much of studies i am still inefficient to stand on my own feet ! I earn nothing ,so many mistakes and trials where am i standing ? I humble myself by fasting and asking lord what should i do ? Just typed those lines and suddenly the same lines ! Let me wait for the lord patiently but longing in my heart and loving him all the time .Love u lord for everything.

Blogger theaterelf said...

Wow! It's 4:30 a.m. and I just read this..I have been struggling with a job offer I was given last week to go back to FT teaching after being laid off a year ago. I had enrolled my son at a private Christian school/homeschool, where I worked part-time, for Kindergarten. The pay is little, but I love the time I have and the small classes I teach. And then this job offer came - amazing pay and benefits...and it seems like our financial situations at home are just crazy. I have been praying and asking God for a job for a year now, and then I get it....and I didn't want it?? What was wrong with me??
But now, I know I'm where I need to be. My son has already started school - he loves it - and I get to help direct his education in a loving Christian environment. Very little pay, but God will supply. thank you so much!

Blogger Unknown said...

Whoa..God is so great!just like the others i googled "Lord what should i do?"and lead me to this site,and that is just so amazing.im struggling the same issue as to stay home and take care of my 3 y.old son or to work..im so deppresed,im a single mom,were financially down..and it just really made me feel bad bcos i just cant go to work..i feel so blessed with the devotion,glad God lead me to the right path today.. God bless us all!

Anonymous Rory said...

We must "trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not unto our own understanding, in all our ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct our paths." This does not always lead to a great life as we calculate it, often He leads us through the valley of the shadow of death where we think we are going to die. Let's do not allow the media to form our thoughts with fear - the world is NOT overpopulated (just look outside the cities to the empty places like Nebraska, Montana, even California has huge barren areas), is not short of clean water (but yes we do need to be better stewards of our resources). God wants to use ALL of His children, not just the loud and outgoing. Be open to...
I live in constant pain and have been out of work for almost a decade now. For a man that is hard to bear, but it gives me insight into how a "normal" wife must trust her husband as I have to my wife when it comes to the income and many other areas of life. No, I am not in some awefull sin being punished by God. God is Lord of ALL, not just what our flesh likes. There is a terrible drought in our nation for the Word of God - let's still ourselves and listen.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My name is Jessica, I am 23 years old and I have been struggling with what career I should choose. I was studying to be a nurse in south america in a christian university. I had been there for 1 1/2 and everything was fine, but just last year during the second semester I got sick (alopesia) it really scared me and I began to stress even more, and so I decided to come back. I have been back for 1 year already and have been going to school here already, but for some reason nursing over there just keeps coming back to me. This year that I have been back my sister got sick, and well I've actually tought that maybe all this happened to me so that I could be here when my family needed me. Thanks to God my sis is doing so much better, I have been taking some classes here, but I really miss it over there and am actually considering going back. I know its a tough decision, and I am actually doing so much better myself. I'm trully praying about this, because I want to make the best decision, especially the one where I would be able to serve him, one of the reasons I want to go into nursing. Any advice I would greatly appreciate it :) Thank You and may God bless everyone :) "Consulting God in every decision is the best way to go"

Anonymous Lost said...

I am dealing with a lot of this now. Emotions do conflict things. Putting God's stamp on things, but when it doesn't contridict His ways what do we do? I feel it is right, but nothing comes of it. It is what I read in the Bible, but it seems that it is all vain. What do I do? How can I truly see God's plan to separate my emotions and go with His plan, especially when I do not know or understand what you stated as His plan? I'm lost trying seek guidence. Would you be willing to help me understand? You can contact me at the ulr I have given. Thank you for your time.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just had a heated exchange of words with my boyfriend and I told myself I am going to google the phrase Lord what should I do?and whatever positive or negative comes is what I am going to take and it clearly stated go and so m going..Lord if U may let your will be done in my life Amen.

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