At a Crossroads
T. Suzanne Eller

"'Who are you, lord?' Saul asked. And the voice replied, 'I am Jesus, the one you are persecuting! Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.'" Acts 9:5-6 (NLT)

Lysa TerKeurst was on the stage sharing a message titled "Pursuing Excellence," but the Holy Spirit was center stage in my heart. That night at the annual She Speaks Conference was a crossroads moment, one of a handful in my life where I knew that God was speaking to me and asking me to turn either right or left.

Lysa challenged the audience to put aside anything that might stand between them and God's best. That night the gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit showed me something that could possibly hold me back from excellence. No big sin. No hidden motives. And yet it mattered to God.
Did it matter to me? And what would I do about it? I spent time in the prayer room that night and I left with an understanding of what steps to take.

When I returned home, I quickly realized that the battle was bigger than I thought. God had shown me that I had allowed something "harmless" to claim my time and attention, to distract me from what He was calling me to do – write more books, develop new messages, and just hang out with Jesus more.

It wasn't about trying to be a super Christian, but a discovery process. What did God have for me as His girl?

In Acts 9, Saul was on his own mission, bustling towards Damascus to arrest followers of Christ. A voice and a Light stopped him in his tracks. He fell to the ground and asked, "Who are you, lord?"

This was Saul's personal crossroad. Would he stay on the same old path, or would he stop and allow God to take control? It wasn't easy, but Saul gave over the reins of his life to God and the rest is history. Where would Saul have ended up if he had ignored the voice of God?

He was a prominent man, a Roman citizen. A man feared by many. He could have stayed on that road and enjoyed the power and prestige. Instead Saul emerged with brand new direction that led him toward his destiny. He uncovered new paths. He discovered exactly who and what God knew he could be all along.

Perhaps you've felt that holy discontent lately. Maybe you are at your own crossroads.

What helped me the most was to ask the same question Saul did: "Who are you, lord?"

I looked at my time. I looked at my dreams. I looked at my relationship with the God who loves and knows me best. What had become lord in my life?

When I answered that question, I found renewed direction. I'm so grateful for a God that will stop me right where I am and show me the way.

Dear Father, thank You for loving us enough to stop us right where we are. I am grateful that You know us. You know what we can do, and You know our weaknesses. Thank You for leading us to an abundant and full existence through You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Related Resources:
Do You Know Him?

Making It Real: Whose Faith Is It Anyway by T. Suzanne Eller

What Happens When Woman Say Yes to God by Lysa TerKeurst

Visit Suzie’s blog where she offers a giveaway of Making It Real: Whose Faith Is It Anyway and shares a devotion you can download to help you at the crossroads.

Application Steps:
If you feel the same nudge from God's Spirit Suzie did, stop and:
Ask: Ask for clarity.

Anticipate: When God speaks to us it is not to condemn, but to motivate. What does God see that you do not?

Act: Turn in the direction God is leading you.

According to Miriam Webster, a crossroads is a crucial point, especially where a decision must be made.

"Let a man set his heart only on doing the will of God and he is instantly free. No one can hinder him." - A.W. Tozer

"The beautiful thing about this adventure called faith is that we can count on Him never to lead us astray." - Charles Swindoll

Power Verses:
Acts 9:19b-21, "Saul stayed with the believers in Damascus for a few days. And immediately he began preaching about Jesus in the synagogues, saying, 'He is indeed the Son of God!' All who heard him were amazed." (NLT)

© 2010 T. Suzanne Eller. All rights reserved.

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Anonymous Girl...Hush! said...

Thanks for putting into words exactly what I've been going through lately! I'm tired of wishing, whining, and "someday" type of thinking. How sweet that God does call me "His girl" and wants the greatest things and purpose for my life! NO TURNING BACK!

Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you for the wake up call!!!!!

Blogger Nancy M. said...

I prayed last night about an issue that was starting to overwhelm my life, & {poof} here's your devo today. Thank you. ♥

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who are you lord? show me in my life Who you are and who you intend for me to be..thank you God for never giving up on know the paths that i must take to get to where You me with you light lord and i will follow you all the days of my life.

Anonymous Suzanne Eller said...

Ladies, jump over to my blog today to get an additional resource on the topic of crossroads. Love you like crazy,

Suzie Eller

Anonymous Kelli said...

This is such confirmation for me because GOD has spoken to me a couple months ago and told me that I was at a crossroad.
I have been going through the greatest move of GOD in my life this past year and ten months of my life. I have truly witnessed GOD's amazing power and providing hand in my life that it blows my mind! The road has been hard, but HE has never one time put more on me than I could bear and will never. And I know that through those extremely hard times, it was even then that I was a sweet smelling aroma under GOD's nostrils because I was a living sacrafice. I have seen HIS great mercies toward me in all my weaknesses, especially in the times that I have succumbed to those weaknesses, HIS mercy and grace have been poured out on me in abundance. What a Mighty GOD we serve!
There are promises that GOD has made to me at the very beginning of this journey and from what I've seen and learned about HIM is that HE always keeps HIS promises.
2007 was the year of the anointing, 2008 was the start of the journey, 2009 was the year of birthing the miracle and 2010 is the year of completion.
7 is the number of GOD, 8 is the number of new beginnings, 9 is the number of birthing and 10 is the number of completion.
Thank YOU, LORD for all YOU have done, are doing and have yet to do in my life!!!

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