A Sweet Aroma
Tracie Miles

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness." Galatians 5:22 (NIV)

A sweet thing happened recently. It was Sunday morning at church, and the congregation was standing, singing hymns. My precious little boy was beside me with his arms wrapped around my waist.

Every few minutes, he pressed his face into my shirt. After several times, I finally determined he was sniffing me, so I leaned down and quietly asked why. He stood on his tip toes, put his face close to mine and whispered, "Because you smell like fruit, Mommy! It smells really good!" I smiled and knew what he smelled was one of my favorite perfumes which has a clean, sweet, fruity aroma.

God turned my thoughts to how we're to be a pleasing aroma to Him, through thoughts, actions and behaviors carried out in the Spirit. Ephesians 5:2 encourages us to "…live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God" (NIV).
What does that really mean? How can we offer a fragrant offering that is pleasing to God and be a fragrance to those around us?

There is a Hawaiian saying, "Tiny is the flower, yet it scents the grasses around it." What a great illustration of how the smallest things can have impactful results. The fact that the flower is small and seemingly insignificant, does not keep it from spreading the fragrance it was created to share. In fact, often the smallest flower can have the most potent fragrance!

Sometimes we may feel like a tiny flower. We wonder if we are really capable of doing anything big or important for Christ. Insecurities, feelings of unworthiness or life challenges prevent us from seeing how God can use us to bless Him and impact others. It is not the size of the actions that matter, but the aroma that is created by those actions. Each time we do something in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness we offer a fragrant offering to God. And we help others learn how to be a little fragrant flower too, in a big world that can be pretty stinky.

Each one of us can choose what fragrance we exude. It might be a good idea to ask from time to time, What type of fragrance am I leaving behind? How am I affecting the world around me with the gifts God gave me? Am I exuding a spiritual aroma that is a fragrant offering to Christ?

Our lingering fragrance should be one of love and kindness, not anger and harshness. Patience and faithfulness, not intolerance and selfishness. And lifting people's spirits with joy and peace, not leaving them discouraged and broken. Our fragrance should be sowing seeds that point to the goodness of Christ.

When God created flowers, He intentionally created them to give off a sweet aroma. And He created us just the same. So, what fragrance are you wearing today?

Dear Lord, teach me how to smell like You. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Related Resources:
Sharing Grace: Recipes - Family Traditions - Gift Ideas by LeAnn Rice

Scared: A Novel on the Edge of the World by Tom Davis

Visit Tracie’s blog today

Application Steps:
"Spritz" on a sweet fragrance today that is pleasing to Christ.

Consider how you can "scent the grasses" in your life with God's love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness.

Think about the spiritual fragrance you have been wearing lately, and the impact it has on others.

Do you think God is pleased with your lingering fragrance?

Power Verses:
2 Corinthians 2:15, "For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing." (NIV)

© 2009 Tracie Miles. All rights reserved.

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Blogger Kandyss said...


I have been reading in II Corinthians about we are an aroma or perfume of Christ to those around us. I have recently been given the opportunity to take the music ministry (and ministry in general) that GOD has given me to the next level, and I was nervous about my ability to do handle such responsibility. However, in that same chapter, it makes the following points:

- v. 2:14 ...GOD always makes it possible for Christ to lead us to victory.
- v. 2:14 cont ...GOD also helps us spread the knowledge about Christ everywhere...
- v. 2:16 and 3:5 No one really has what it takes to do this work...We don't have the right to claim that we have done anything on our own. GOD gives us what it takes to do all that we do. (CEV)

So from reading these chapters I am learning that GOD will help me in my endeavors of helping others to get to know Him. Although I am still a little uncertain sometimes, I can always go back to these scriptures to remind me that it is not about my abilities but GOD's, and He has all power! Please pray that I can keep this in my mind!

Thank you for the post!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am starting on the Love Dare today and the first day talks about patience. I knew when I came to your devotion this morning that it was only going to reinforce that this Love Dare is something I need to do. Sure enough patience and the aroma I am leaving in my marriage is right on point for my Dare for the day. I am excited and scared about embarking on this journey. Thank you for the devotion today and I covet everyone's prayers as I begin this journey. Please pray for me to be strong in the Lord and to follow through on this 40 day committment. Pray for me to follow through on what God calls me to do each day in my marriage.

Blogger T-Reese said...

This word was an awesome word for me today because I truly desire to leave behind a name, not so much of myself but of who I was in Christ. Leaving a sweet aroma behind no matter where I go is the point and the very thing that God has called us as His kids to do.

Sweet aromas attract and that's what I want to do. Attract people to the sweet aroma in me which is the Holy Spirit,

Anonymous Anonymous said...

gentleness...I hear Him calling...forgetting that which lies behind...may I hear Your voice Lord...and then may I have the wisdom to 'listen'...'live' and 'let go'...

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