What's Your Story?
T. Suzanne Eller

"Here is another story Jesus told: 'The Kingdom of Heaven is like a farmer who planted good seed in his field.'" Matthew 13:24 (NLT)

I perched on the top of my car. Water rolled the vehicle down the swollen creek. How in the world did I get in such a mess? I had spoken in Tulsa. As I drove home, rain pelted my car. I listened to the scratchy radio blaring wicked weather warnings.

Maybe you should stop. I ignored the still, small voice.

It's only an hour, I reasoned. Surely I'll be fine.

I was only five miles from home when I rounded a corner and heard a whoosh. The engine cut out. I opened the car door and water poured in. I slammed it shut. I tried to start the car, but it would not start. I tried again. And again. I heard a terrible clunk. I turned the key to battery power position and managed to get the window half-way down. I looked into the inky darkness and what I saw took my breath away. The creek that bordered the road had taken over and my car was in the middle of it. Water poured in around the bottom of the car door, covering my feet, my ankles, then my knees. I grabbed my purse and my Bible. I pulled off my heels and wrangled through the window. Finally, I sat on the top of the car and it started to float.

God, I prayed. Help me.

Bright lights flashed at the edge of the water, about 50 feet away. A long Buick, made sometime in the '70's, plunged into the water and chugged toward me. It looked like Heaven to me. That is, until the guy rolled down his window.

"Jump in!" he said. "Hurry!" He and his buddy wore T-shirts with cut-out sleeves. He had a pack of cigarettes rolled in a bandana around his tattooed arm.

I looked at the water. I looked at the Buick … I jumped.

I love telling this story. I can tell it and hear the audience roar with laughter. Humor is such a gift. I can tell the story and share how important it is to listen to the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit. I can use it to illustrate how God can use the most unlikely angels to rescue you.

You see, we all have life-baskets filled to the brim with stories. I picture Jesus sitting with the disciples sharing the parables. I think about my own mother telling me what it felt like when she finally grasped God's grace. I hear Lysa TerKeurst sharing her story of adopting her two precious sons from Africa.

The question is, have you told your story lately? Maybe your life-basket contains stories about hard times, or moments when you felt alone, or perhaps good times like when God became so real that it transformed you. Somewhere there is someone who will identify with that story, and perhaps find encouragement, or hope, or maybe just a good belly laugh.

Dear Jesus, I am a witness. A story unfolded and written by Your hand. Give me courage to tell it to someone who needs to hear it. Thank You for being the Author of every chapter of my life. In Jesus' Name, amen.

Related Resources:
Do You Know Him?

Listen to Today’s P31 Radio Show to hear more about God’s unexpected treasures lying within you!

The Woman I Am Becoming: Embrace the Chase for Identity, Faith, and Destiny by T. Suzanne Eller

Visit Suzie’s blog where she offers a giveaway and tips on communicating your story

Application Steps:
Look at your life basket. What stories do you find?

What was impossible to see when you were in the midst of that story?

What do you see now clearly?

Ask God to show you someone who needs to hear that story.

Stop comparing your story to any one else's story. You are unique. Give God the pen and let Him write the next chapter.

Power Verses:
John 1:6-8, "There came a man who was sent from God; his name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light."

© 2009 by T. Suzanne Eller. All rights reserved.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so true! I have so many stories that are so funny and creative to me, how the Lord uses certain situations to be glorified. One of my favorite scriptures is Romans 8:28 because the Lord would always whisper it to me whenever something strange at the time happened to me. One of my stories is when I got married, I didn't realize that my husband had all the issues that he had, I was just N' Love!lol
So I didn't try to look at them.
I love wearing make up. My mother has 4 daughters and she thought that she had 4 baby dolls, because as soon as we turned 15, it was make up time. I am the baby girl so she really had a good time with me. Well, when I met my husband, apparently he had no problem with it, but when we got married he told me that I couldn't wear it anymore. I told the Lord that that wasn't fair! When I met him, I was wearing it, so I asked him to change his heart, because I realize that he had a controlling spirit. For months and weeks I had to go places without my make up. I was so upset with him. I felt so bare. As if I was erasing myself. So I continued to nag to the Lord about it. Until one day, we were riding in the car from church. We lived in a small town where there was only one McDonalds, and a Walmart. My husband didn't get out much so he wasn't familiar with everything in the town. But I was because I am a woman. Well, the subject about me wearing make up was brought up again. So he says, well, if you can go somewhere and have them to teach you how to put on make up, then you may wear it. Now I know, and the Lord knew that he didn't mean that! He just figured because we were in a small town, and that because I car was just a local transportation, that there was not such a place. Well, I was the make up queen! My momma had already taught me and took me to places to get my make up done. There was a Belks in the small town. And you all know probably that they will put your make up on for you. So I was just smiling. I called the Belk department store, and told them that I wanted to set up an appointment to get my make up done. The manager told me that they didn't have anyone because the one who did fashion fair just walked out one day after working there for years. I said, oh no! But the spirit started talking to me.Ask him can you get the job. So I told him, give me the job! Not realizing what was about to happen. He said, well, you may come in and fill out an application. I am not the smartest person, but the Lord has given me a personality that causes people to want to be around them, and of course, looks. (lol)So, I went out there, and charmed him with my personality, and guess what? I got the job! It was so funny! I worked there for about a month, It was hard. I wanted to quit so bad. But I continued working. Then on the D DAY. One of my trainers said, Ok, it's time for you to learn how to put make up on customers now. But first, I have to do it on you.
I walked in the house just smiling at my husband with a funny grin on my face! (lol) Yeah, now what do you have to say? I said to myself to my husband. No more excuses! lol
I know how to put on make up. If you all could see the look on his face! lol He didn't know who he married. A prayer warrior! And from that day, I have been wearing my make up! It's been 5 years now! Ha Ha! This is just one of the stories, I have so many other ones that I'll share with you all later! The Lord was glorified, and I was edified! My husband was petrified! lol

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I praise God for His help to the author of this devo. I am so glad that I know Him. I don't know what I would do without Him.

The lady who shared her story about makeup is to be admired for her obedience to her husband. I must admit I bristled mightily at his rule for her. I would have had a lot to say about that and probably said it, continuing to wear makeup as I wished. So I guess God has a lot to do within my heart if that is the correct attitude. I think it is great how the Lord worked it out for her and how she went to Him believing He would. It really is a good example of that still, sweet voice of the Holy Spirit speaking to us.

Oh Lord, help me to be sensitive to your Holy Spirit because it seems I have a long way to go.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow that is a wonderful story, to the makeup lady, and the devotio n was great too! I am in trouble right now, I love GOD but I am walking in disobedience,and yes I do know better, my husband walked out on me and I have been hurting, I started off praying for his return, but now I am angry and hurt and I have even started a relationship with another man, I am really liking him right now and I know it is wrong, the still small voice is telling me to stop this relationship cause you are a married woman, pray for your husband, GOD can restore! I need alot of prayer, and I do talk to GOD for myself but that distance is between us cause of this relationship that I need to end so that I can be in GOD'S will, so I am in the midst of a story right now and please pray for the right outcome for me. Thank you!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love most of your stories and find them so encouraging. However, I have a really difficult time when I hear Christians make assumptions about people based on how they dress and whether or not they smoke cigarettes. First, let me preface that I do not smoke, but when did smoking become a label that makes you unchristianlike? Why is it that we can have grossly overweight Christians who sit on their tooshes instead of exercising and taking care of their "temples", yet we don't look at them and say, oooh she's fat.....must not be a Christian.

Smoking is bad for your health. I get it. But so are about a million other things on this planet. And smoking is an addiction. I'd venture to guess that their are plenty of Christians out there who have their own vices(TV, computers, shopping)

Please get over the self-righteous indignation that labels a person a heathen just because they smoke. My mother has been a smoker for years. She's tried to quit, for her health, many times. She's addicted. She's also a strong Christian. Should she quit...sure she should. Should she be judged if she can't....not by you.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the woman in the relationship with the other man, I will be praying with you. The Lord is merciful and forgiving but let me share something with you.
For 5 years I have been married to my husband. In those 5 years, he never hugged me, kissed me, acknowledged me on any holidays. He constantly put me down. His children mother came to our wedding and cried the entire time, also his children cried and cried and you can see it all in my pictures and on the video. After we got married, at family functions, his children mother came and his family treated her as if she was the wife, and I was the intruder. He never stood up for me, he told me that that was his mother's house and that it was nothing that he could do about it. I was so hurt and confused. I knew that the Lord had sent this man to me but he was abusing me in every way. I am a very passionate and affection person but it was dying inside of me. But every time Satan screamed LEAVE HIM in my ear. To hate him or whatever that is against God's word. The Lord would tell me that the one who tries to save his life will lose it, and the one who loses his life for my sake will gain eternal life. I knew that I was hurt and wanted to die at times, but I knew that the Lord was allowing me to endure what I was going through. I loved the Lord more than my self, my husband, and my happiness, so I chose to stay and pray for all of them. They treated me so unkindly, but I embraced all of them. It wasn't easy at times, but the HOly Spirit kept me. IF I told you all that I have endured in it, it would blow your mind. But every time the thought of cheating entered into my mind, I cast that thought down because I knew that I wouldn't be cheating on my husband, I would be cheating on God. There is not a man, nor creature here on this green earth good enough to cause me to hurt the Lord. I do encourage you, and want you to realize that the Lord can change and save your marriage, but he needs a willing vessel. It's not about us, It's about the Lord. We must suffer for his name sake. No, we don't want to do it all of the time. But think of this, this is not our home, and if the Lord calls us right now, what will we be doing? what will we be saying? where will we be? My husband has changed so much, but it is because I built my marriage on the word of God. The rain descended, the flood came, and the wind blew and beat upon my house, but it fell not because of the word of God. When you have done all that you can do, you just stand.
Your husband may be your assignment. You must get yourself in place so that the Lord can use you to stand in gap for him. Don't you be consumed by the fire. Come out of it. I love you and will be praying for you that the Lord will strenghthen you in your weakness. Go back to the Lord. He will fulfill you in every way. I know because, I never cheated on my husband although, I have not had the benefit of being a wife. To God be the Glory. He is my fulfillment. What will profit the man to gain the whole world but to lose his soul? Think about it. And I pray for the man who is sneaking with you. Just think what type of man he is if he knows that you are married and is letting you cheat on God like that. He doesn't respect you nor the God that is in you, so I pray for him to. In Jesus name, and guess what, I am the woman about the make up. Love you

Anonymous Suzanne Eller said...

I was simply describing the men. The pack of cigarettes was rolled up in his sleeve, just as I described the car and everything else in the scene. I made no prejudgments about the men, only that they were strange men in a giant car and they looked rugged and rough. They were the heroes of my story and I will always be grateful.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you makeup lady I have really taken to heart what you have said, I repent and I thank you for praying with me, I am being very selfish, but you are right I must turn back to GOD! Thank you and I love you too! this is the lady cheating on her husband.

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