A Dying Faith Revived
Wendy Blight

"Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ." Romans 10:17 (NIV)

Law school. Two words that scare some and impress others.

I gave three years of my life to the study of law…compiling facts, reading case law, applying that law, and making arguments. I spent hour after hour in the law library. Researching, studying, and writing consumed my every day. My hard work paid off when I made law review.
It paid off again when I passed the bar.

It paid off again upon graduation when I walked through the doors to begin my first day at one of the largest, most prestigious firms in downtown Dallas.

It should have been the best time of my life, but instead it felt empty, without purpose. I found no joy, no satisfaction in what I did every day. I spent so much time and invested so much money to get to this place. Something was missing.

What I felt in the depths of my soul was the cry of a dying faith…hunger pangs of a weary soul. I had filled myself full of worldly knowledge, yet I had starved myself of spiritual knowledge.

Friend, do you feel that way as you read my words? Do you feel empty, dry, and weary? Faith feeds on the Word of God. Without a steady intake of God's Word in our lives, we grow weaker and weaker. I tried to feed my faith on a two minute devotional in the morning…maybe a few times a week…if that.

When we starve our faith, we move farther and farther from our Father's heart. We find it hard to trust Him. Sometimes we avoid worshiping Him. We feel guilty. We feel alone. Listen to words from our Father's heart:

• "Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ." Romans 10:17 (NIV)

• "Jesus answered, 'It is written: Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" Matthew 4:4 (NIV)

• Blessed is the one whose "delight is in the law of the Lord, and on His law [she] meditates day and night. [She] is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever [she] does prospers." Psalm 1:2-3 (NIV)

Faith feeds on the Word of God. Our faith has no life apart from what we receive from the Word. I came to the realization that I needed to alter my diet. I needed to feed on something other than case law and legal memoranda.

God drew you to this devotional today. Ask Him why. Has the Lord pricked your heart? Does my story strike a chord with you? With all my heart, I encourage you to not ignore His Word to you today.

Let's be like the blessed one in Psalm 1 who meditates on God's Word day and night. Will you commit with me today to memorize one scripture? To start, find a verse, maybe one from this devotional, and memorize it. You will be putting "faith food" into your heart and mind.

Throughout the next few days, feed on that verse, speak that verse, and share that verse. Watch what God will do.

God will bless your obedience. Your obedience will bear fruit. You will prosper.

Wait and watch and see!

Dear Lord, today I feel weary, empty, and so very far away from You. Please come near, feed me with Your Word, revive my dying faith. Make me like the tree planted by streams of water, yielding fruit and prospering in all I do. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Related Resources:
Do You Know Him?

Visit Wendy’s blog and share your memory verse with her. She would love to pray for you.

Hidden Joy in a Dark Corner: The Transforming Power of God's Story by Wendy Blight

All Things Wise and Wonderful: Applying God's Wisdom in Everyday Life (E-Book) by Wendy Blight

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Application Steps:
Pick a verse from the devotional or your own verse and commit to memorize it this week. Please stop by my blog and share your verse with me. I would be honored to pray for you as you take this step.

What is it that takes your time and keeps you from being in God's Word on a consistent basis?

What one step can you take to spend more time with God in His Word? Commit to take that step.

Power Verses:
Matthew 4:4, "Jesus answered, 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'" (NIV)

© 2010 by Wendy Blight. All rights reserved.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great devotional today. I am grateful for listening to God's still small voice as he directed me to teaching. Teaching is my passion and my ministry-it fills me with hope for the future!
Visit my blog, A Busy Woman's Life at http://kendracameronjarvis.wordpress.com

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so greatful also to listening to that still small voice. I was on my facebook page, and I happen to think, Wow it has been a while since I was on Proverbs 31, so I click on it and the words were just for me. I find time for everything else but do not study God's word. Please pray for me, I feel just as you weak, empty etc. I know I should read, but it is the last thing I do and then I am to tired etc. I love the Lord, and I know He loves me, but I feel like a failure when it comes to studying. So I took your advice and memorized a verse from today's lesson, I will meditate on it today.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Wendy,
I must share my experience with you. Just yesterday I realized that despite having a wonderful husband, two beautiful and healthy little girls, a job, a home and health, somehow I still felt like something was missing. I felt empty, depressed and confused.
I know what I'm missing now, I have distanced myself from the Lord, and your devotion today has motivated me to find a way to get closer to God.
Thank you so much for today's devotional!

Blogger Unknown said...


Thank you for writing this devotional. It was very encouraging. I will be focus on memorizing Psalm 1:2-3 this week.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wendy, I feel like you spoke directly to me today. I am so at that point. Working 2 jobs, planning for an adoption, and several devastating events this year have virtually drained me of energy and joy to the extreme. Lately I have been letting other things get in the way of my time with my Lord. I will memorize the scriptures in your blog post today.
Thank you for your wisdom. Lisa

Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the last several days, this verse has been coming to mind and in my heart. Early this morning, I read my bible and I prayed and I prayed this scripture:
"Create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me" Psalm 51:10.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would appreciate your prayers in memorizing more and meditating on His word day and night... I am feeling that thirst to be in the word more is needed...It is hard sometimes as your family gets older and so much activity is going on.. you would like to be in the word but your husband wants the tv on

Blogger Unknown said...

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Prov 3:5 is the first verse that came to my mind and I ask for the prayer you offered to us in your devotion this morning over this verse in my life. I memorized this with my daughter when she was attending a small Christian school and have never forgotten it. I can recite it like my address. The trouble for me is actually applying what I have memorized. This is where I ask for your prayers. I often say I trust you Lord, and then I snatch the struggle right back from his arms and try to shoulder it on my own. Then when I can no longer stand up straight from the weight, I feel the pain of the brick he has with my name on it that he uses to get my attention. Thank you for helping to get my attention where it needs to be today Wendy. God Bless you and your awesome ministry.

Blogger Brenda S said...

I spend a portion of my day on the internet........I have many email devotional sites that I receive.......many God centered friends on facebook that share scripture......and reading blogs like this........all things that take me away from sitting down with God's words in my lap. Even though I seek out Christ centered emails, fb friends....there is no replacement for communing directly with our Lord and Savior. I truly need prayer to help me conquer my fascination with the internet. Thank you.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello - it's not a Bible verse but something I came across this week ;
"Trust, trust, hopefully trust, That He will adjust,
Thy tangled life"

Blogger linsuara said...

This is so true and I am so happy to have read this. I am glad you posted this on FB. I really love reading your devotions. Thank you!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am reading this devotional and thinking how many hours I spend reading books, news, e-mails...then I blame not having time to read my Bible on all the house shores or just being a mom of 2 small children.
Thank you for this devotional and thank you sisters for your honest comments.

Blogger Unknown said...

Tears came with the reading of this beautiful devotion...thank you Lynn for making me feel like I'm not the only that struggles with this. 0430 seems to be the time where fear grips me the most...the house is quiet and all I can hear are my thoughts. Instead of running for some noise to block out my thoughts...I try to run to His Word...it brings me peace every time! This devotion is SUCH a keeper that I emailed it to my phone and then saved it in my memos so I can read it every day.
God Bless:D

Anonymous cheryl said...

Dear Wendy,
I am so grateful that God has put you in my path. This devotional put many things in perspective for me. How I spend too much time on trivial things instead of spending quality time with the Lord. Lord help me to spend more time meditating on your word.

Have a blessed weekend,

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