A Good Kind of Reckless
Tracie Miles

"'Come,' he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, 'Lord, save me!'" Matthew 14:29-30 (NIV)

A while back, I opened my daily devotion and the theme verse was the passage above. When I first began reading I thought, "Oh, I know this passage backwards and forwards: Peter stepping out onto the stormy waves. A great story of faith and keeping focused on Christ." But in this particular devotion, there was a different focus. The key word used was "reckless." It explained we are to be reckless in our faith – not habitual, not routine, not guarded. Reckless.

Out of curiosity, I looked up the definition of reckless: Utterly unconcerned about the consequences of some action; without caution. If you ask me, reckless doesn't sound like a good thing! When it comes to acting without caution, usually the consequences are negative, resulting in pain and problems that could have been avoided had common sense been used.

But when it comes to our faith, acting without caution is an awesome quality. Reckless faith is…

Living out loud for God, regardless of the consequences.

Opening ourselves up to be Christ's hands and feet in situations where most people close themselves off.

Reaching people others have deemed unreachable.

Loving those who are not very lovable and do not return our love.

Forgiving when forgiveness is not justifiable by the world's standards and making others wonder if we have our head on straight.

Changing direction in life because God called us to even if it doesn't make sense.

Reckless faith is being abandoned for Christ, completely surrendered to Him without restraint, and at peace with the consequences of what might happen.

Peter was reckless in earthly terms. He jumped onto the sea during a raging storm without a flotation device, into waves big enough to capsize his boat. However, if you think about it, it really wasn't Peter's earthly actions that were reckless; it was Peter's spiritual faith.

He had reckless faith: Without thinking, without distress over consequences, without anxiety over what might happen, and without concern for what his friends might think, Peter had faith.
Peter had reckless faith. And we can too! Reckless faith means doing what God has called us to do, commanded us to do, and prompted us to do – because it brings Him glory. Those who witnessed Peter's reckless faith didn't ooh and aah over Peter. Instead, like Peter, they fixed their eyes on Jesus. "Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, 'Truly you are the Son of God'" (Matthew 14:33, NIV).

There are a few times in my life when I've exhibited reckless faith, and found God blessed me immensely as a result. Unfortunately, there are many more times I've chosen to remain safely in my boat. It is so much easier to stay afloat in the safety of our comfort zone than to step out into stormy waters, putting all of our trust in Christ.

Reckless faith requires a vibrant and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. When we climb from the safety boat and exhibit that, we spur those still in their boats to fix their own eyes on Him, and worship the Son of God.

How is God calling you to be reckless for Him today?

Dear Lord, truly You are the Son of God. I know You have called me to reckless faith, but it is hard to step out. Infuse me with courage to climb out of my boat in whatever way You have called me to. Please help me hear You and give me bravery to move beyond my comfort zone. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Related Resources:
Reinventing Your Rainbow by Tracie Miles

Birds in My Mustard Tree: How to Grow Your Faith by Susanne Scheppmann

The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert E. Coleman

Visit Tracies’ blog

Has God called me out of my comfort zone?

Have I been paralyzed by doubt or fear?

Do I really believe I can trust God enough for me to be reckless in my faith?

Power Verses:
Isaiah 55:9, "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." (NIV)

2 Chronicles 16:9, "For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him." (NIV)

© 2009 by Tracie Miles. All rights reserved.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

This devotional really hit home for me. My husband and I have made the decision to permanently care for two children that are not ours. We don't have our own kids yet, and it can be a scary idea sometimes. But I am reminded to do as God has called us to do and not worry about the consequences...how life will change, hardships we will face, etc, but to remember that God is in control and if it is His will He will help us and give us everything we need to serve Him in this strongly and faithfully. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This devotional has just reaffirmed that God is always with me. I have let fear take over in some areas of my life and today I have been remined that God has not given us the spirit of fear, but power.

Blogger Unknown said...

You say that the key word used is reckless, but it's not in the passage that you used.

I've looked at several different translations and reckless wasn't in any of them.

Please explain.

If reckless really isn't in any of the translations then I leave this scripture as a reminder.

God bless
Proverbs 30:6
5 "Every word of God is flawless;
he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.

6 Do not add to his words,
or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar.

Blogger Time Outdoors said...

I have been following your blog for a while now and just wanted to let you know I appreciate the time you put into it and enjoy reading it. Thanks again.

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I belive reckless came from her devotion, not from the Bible verse. "But in this particular devotion, there was a different focus. They key word used was reckless. It explained we are to be reckless in our faith..."

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thank God that he allowed me to be able to feed from this devotion on this perticular day. He knew how much I needed this in order to trust him with a "reckless" faith.
Two days later, I had an appointment with my doctor because, prior to this one I had refused to go for further testing for cancer. The doctor than said, "come back and we will re-check you again, then you can make your final decision from there". I went back, and as I sat there waiting for the doctor to come in, I had this peace in me because I had made up my mind that no matter what, I was going to trust him. I wanted to "live out loud for God". When the doctor finished with me, he said; "OK, cross your fingers". I responded; "No sir, I don't have to do that, cause my God is in control". Sure enough, a week later the doctor himself called me and told me that he could not understand it, but that my test came back normal.
I share this testimony with everyone that I can. Thanks again and God Bless You!!

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