Bring It To Me
Marybeth Whalen

"Bring them here to me." Matthew 14:18 (NIV)

"Mo-om," my six-year-old son calls from the den where he is working on math, "I can't do this!"

I am in the kitchen washing dishes. "If you can't do it," I call back, "Just bring it to me."

And in a whoosh, I hear God's still small voice, coming in on the heels of what I have just spoken aloud. "Isn't that what I say to you?" He reminds me.

When I am overwhelmed: "If you can't do it, just bring it to Me."

When I am angry: "If you can't do it, just bring it to Me."

When I am hurting: "If you can't do it, just bring it to Me."

When I am confused: "If you can't do it, just bring it to Me."

Thousands of years ago, the disciples faced a situation they couldn't do. They couldn't feed 5000 men and their families lunch even though the people were hungry. They knew that allowing them to leave would mean missing a great ministry opportunity... but their resources were sorely lacking. And then one little boy stood up and offered his lunch. Jesus responded, "Bring them here to me." He took that meager offering—the tiniest bit offered in faith—and multiplied it beyond anyone's expectations.

I need God to do that for me every day. When I think that I can't do something, I need to faithfully take what little I can do and place it in His hands. And then I need to stand back and watch Him multiply my humble offering into something amazing.

What are you feeling like you can't do today?

Take on a challenge God is calling you to?

Respond to a ministry opportunity even though it is scary?

Stay in a marriage that looks over from where you're standing?

Persevere in your efforts to pay off debt?

Offer forgiveness to someone who hurt you?

Whatever it is, know this: You are right. You can't do it. So bring whatever it is to Him. Picture yourself offering it up, just like that little boy's lunch. Then stand back and prepare to be amazed.

Dear Lord, I praise You for being my burden bearer. Thank You for always taking my "I can'ts" and transforming them through Your power and Your blessings. Help me to remember not to be anxious or worried when I face difficulties, but to simply bring my issues to You again and again. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Related Resources:
Do You Know Him?

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Learning to Live Financially Free Marybeth and Curt Whalen

For more from Marybeth, visit her blog as well as her resource page.

Application Steps:
In your journal, list all the reasons why you can't do some aspect of your life—paying off debt, staying in your marriage, homeschooling, getting a job, etc. After you list all those reasons, take a red magic marker and write over top of the list the words "Bring it to Me." Rejoice that these are Jesus' words personally to you today!

Is there something you are telling God that you can't do? Spend some time today telling Him to take your pitiful efforts and multiply them as only He can. Every time you start to worry, go back and bring it to Him.

Power Verses:
Psalm 115:11, "You who fear him, trust in the Lord—he is their help and shield." (NIV)

Psalm 116:7, "Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you." (NIV)

© 2009 by Marybeth Whalen. All rights reserved.

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Blogger Danielle said...


Thank you for your encouraging words this morning... and with She Speaks so close--it's a great reminder. I feel so out of depth, but I KNOW this is what God is calling me to do.

I Praise Him that He takes our weaknesses and with His might, He makes us strong enough for all tasks that He places before us.

Blogger Em'ly Owens said...

Oh so true. The closer I grow to God the easier it is to let go of my insecurities and hand them to him. He makes them beautiful. I just have to keep my eyes open to see how he is working!

Blogger Tara said...

Great message this morning. I'm still learning to bring my issues to Jesus but I'm getting there day by day.

Blogger J. Smith said...

Trusting G-d in everything can see difficult because we often want to fix it ourselves. When we do that however, things often get worse. We need to think of faith as a verb rather than a noun so we do what we say we believe. I will do faith today and let Him take control. I can hardly wait to see what happens!

Anonymous Nicole said...

Lastnight i asked the Lord to speak to me personally concerning a few issues I am facing. This devotion spoke directly to me in a way that only Jesus can speak. I am thankful I have a God who is so concerned with all of us individually even though it seems at time he has much bigger things going on. I am reminded that even the bigger things (peace, war, hunger, poverty, sin, and salvation) can all be broken down to individuals like you and me. Praise God that he meets us where we are.

Anonymous Linda said...

Thank you for the words of encouragement. I believe we are in a season where God is digging deep down into our souls to bring out those things that are hindering us from going forward in Him. To have a ministry such as yours, where we can go and be encouraged,get wisdom and just to be blessed is so wonderful. I bless you and Proverbs 31 Ministry and thank you for your dedicaton and devotion to God and to His people.

Anonymous Jessica said...

Thank you for encouraging devotions.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is just what I so needed for today. Thank you for the encouragement.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to read this same devotion every day, if not every hour! A born control freak, I know that I must constantly be reminded that I can only be free from burdens when I truly give them to God. His ways are truly higher than mine can ever be. Praise God, He is faithful to allow me to bring it all to Him and merciful to meet me where I am.

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