Inspired Messages
By Lysa TerKeurst

“I am the way and the truth and the life…”John 14:6 (NIV)

There once was a little girl...with a battered heart.

She was told by the first love of her life...that she was unwanted.

Her Daddy's silence made her cry. His words made her broken.

Then one day she was given an old typewriter...
and when she placed her fingers on the dusty keys, her heart settled.

Words came from her fingertips that her lips couldn't produce.
Her poems cryptically told of hidden abuse.
Tears often smeared her little girl masterpieces.

Years passed... her fingers stilled, her heart grew cold, her lips cursed God.

But there were other people busy at their keyboards... pouring out inspired messages.
Messages that would one day reach her - in deep places - places long ago hidden away.
Messages that told her she didn't have to be a child of a broken parent. She could be a child of God. She was wanted.

She is me.

Jesus used their key strokes to produce words, messages, books, and Bible studies – their words unlocked me, released me, held me, exposed me, and helped put me together again.

And then my fingers found their way back... and dared to strike a key or two or ten thousand. Letters became words. Words became chapters. Chapters became books. And somehow others were unlocked, held, exposed and helped.

Every one of us has words inside that were never meant to just rumble about, hidden away. They are meant to be shared. Given. Released. Spoken. Written.

But somehow, Satan has deceived us by making us think we are not good enough, smart enough, educated enough, or eloquent enough to be able to share the reality of what Jesus has done in our lives. In Matthew chapter 5, Jesus calls us the salt of the earth and the light of the world. He goes on to instruct us to let our light shine.

But we don’t have to do it in our strength. For right at the point we dare to say, “There’s no way,” Jesus steps in and calls Himself--- "The Way."

And your story is the best thing you have to share “the Way” with the world.

Dear Lord, thank you for weaving a story of redemption throughout my life. Give me the honesty to live it in such a way that honors you and the courage to share it in such a way that blesses others. Today, as you scan the earth looking to strengthen hearts fully committed to you, I raise my hand high and say, “choose me, I am willing.” In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Related Resources:
Click here for Lysa’s Blog - She is doing a Q & A about She Speaks today.

Who Holds the Key to Your Heart?, by Lysa TerKeurst

For the Write Reason, General Editor Marybeth Whalen

Application Steps:
Prayerfully consider attending the Proverbs 31 She Speaks conference held in North Carolina, June 20-22, 2008. It helps women more effectively tell their story in both the written and spoken form. It’s also designed to encourage and train you to become a speaker, a writer, and a more effective women’s ministry leader. For more information click here to go to the She Speaks website.

Ask God who might be blessed by hearing your story.

Read through the verses below. Spend some time praying through each verse while asking God to reveal to you, how He wants you to use your story. Don’t let Satan try and tell you that your story is not powerful enough. Also, don’t let Satan deceive you into thinking your story is too shameful. Your story is the exact thing that when surrendered to God can be your most powerful witnessing tool.

Power Verses:
1 Corinthians 1:5, “For in him you have been enriched in every way- in all your speaking and in all your knowledge.” (NIV)

2 Corinthians 1:3-4, “Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.” (NIV)

Matthew 4:14, “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” (NIV)


Blogger Joyful said...

With tears of abandon, surrender and joy, and both hands raised, I am crying out to the Lord, "choose me, I am willing".

I had written in my journal early this morning, asking God to confirm His call on my life, feeling so completely inadequate. Bless you, my dear sweet friend, for speaking God's Word to my heart today.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for your encouragement regarding our stories of redemption. Help us, Lord, not to let Satan keep us from writing them and sharing the miracle that YOU have done for us.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simply Beautiful, thank you Lysa!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am thankful to God for His "Inspired Messages"
You are truly one of God's many, many, beautiful and inspiring messages!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was simply one of the most poignant messages I have ever read. It speaks to the heart of many women in a direct yet sincere way. I, too, was that little girl and now raise my hands to become the woman God wants me to be.

Thank you Lysa.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your ministry is amazing, and the grace and light that you shine upon us encourages, and strengthens me in my walk with Jesus. He is the redeemer. Thank-you for sharing and teaching that in our weaknesses He will make us strong and more like Him. It is through understanding and compassion that we can be healed of all of our brokenness.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been struggling with the guilt of my past and just realized I needed to allow others in and use my past as a tool to further God's kingdom. I have had a lifelong secret that I need to release. This message was confirmation and a push to be content, have rest, freedom and release the past and allow the Lord to use me! Thank you!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here am i send me O Lord.
I was one of the shy ones until recently i was selected to be the interpreter for the women's day celebration.

It was a very blessed day and people thought i was the best of interpreters they had heard in a time. Glory be to God. Judith (UGanda)

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