The Rescuer
Tracie Miles

“They cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He sent forth his word and healed them, he rescued them from the grave.” Psalm 107:19-20 (NIV)

As I was searching for a box in the attic, my 18 month old toddler slipped through a small hole in the 2nd story attic floor and landed in the garage about 15 feet below. Unfortunately that wasn’t the only time one of her injuries would land us in the emergency room in the years to come. But despite the fear and concern that her accidents have caused us over the years, God has used those incidences to show me not only His infinite love and protection, but also His power to perform miracles.

When my daughter fell from that 2nd story attic, disappearing through a hole which I was unaware of, I screamed and frantically rushed to where she had been standing. With horror, my heart sunk and fear filled every bone in my body as I helplessly watched her plunging to the hard concrete floor below. But her descent came to a halt with an unexplainable miracle. With my own eyes, I saw my baby gently bounce off of the hard concrete floor of the garage. It was as if she had landed on a big fluffy pillow of soft cotton, and just bounced off of it like a little feather.

Moments later after retrieving her from the garage floor, I realized she had a small bump on her forehead, but not a scratch, laceration, serious bruise, concussion or broken bone in her tiny little fragile body. The doctors could not logically or medically explain this phenomenon. They even questioned my husband and I as to whether or not she had really fallen 15 feet, especially since by the time we arrived in the emergency room, she had stopped crying and was acting like a normal happy baby at a routine checkup.

There is no other explanation for this miracle than God’s almighty hand at work. God’s mercy was with my child that day, and something besides the cold, hard concrete floor broke her fall. You see, I believe in my heart, that the strong and powerful hands of an almighty but gentle God, reached down at that exact moment in time and rescued her from imminent pain and possible death. This was God’s way of physically rescuing her and saving her from death, but it was a reminder to me that He is the ultimate rescuer of life.

When I accepted Jesus as my Savior, I too was rescued by God. Rescued from death, from sin, from the emotional suffering of past mistakes, from the pain of trying to live life on my own and from spending an eternity apart from His love.

Several years ago, the Christian group NewSong sang a song called Arise, My Love, which is a powerful song about the risen Savior. It serves as a reminder tome of what we were rescued from when He arose. The chorus says: “Sin – where are your shackles?; Death – where is your sting? Hell – has been defeated! The grave could not hold the King.” The risen savior rescued us from those things, and we are victorious through our King!

If you are living a life apart from God; falling into sin, pain, sorrow, frustration, despair, or even just the overwhelming demands of life – you need a rescuer! Simply lift up your arms, seek Him with your full heart, and lay those problems at His feet. No sooner than your prayers fill the air, will He will throw down a life raft of love, mercy, protection, provision and compassion.

Dear Lord, please rescue me. Help me to see You at work in my life, and understand how I can glorify You through these circumstances. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Related Resources:
Do you know Him?

Reinventing Your Rainbow by Tracie Miles

Help rescue a child through Compassion International

Application Steps:
Write down two things in your life which you would like God to rescue you from.
Pray about them then keep a prayer journal of how you see God working in these areas.

Are there problems that I have been trying to handle myself?

Have I turned to God for answers, or sought answers from other measures?

Power Verses:
Psalm 18:17, “He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me.” (NIV)

Psalm 81:6, "I took the world off your shoulders, freed you from a life of hard labor. You called to me in your pain; I got you out of a bad place..." (MSG)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am overwhelmed with all the sickness that has been going around my house, I can't seem to get all my kids better and I am worried about them. Ben is not the same, he has changed since his hospital visit and I am concerned, I want my happy boy back. It's like I don't even know him.

I ask you to forgive me for not getting up this morning to spend time with you and my harsh words with Ben, I was not kind to him this morning. I pray that you get this sickness out of this house, I pray that you heal my family, I don't want us to be sick any more. I also pray that yo show me what is wrong with Ben, he is different. I want my happy boy back. He is not hte same since he got sick and I don't know whatis wrong. Please give us some insight into him and what we are missing there. Thank you that he didn't have to stay at the hospital for long, and I pray that this lingering sick will be gone, and my children will be healthy and happy again. I am worried about them. I know that you have every thing under your control and I choose to allow you to be in control and trust that you hear me and will heal my family.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rescue me!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for your devotionals every single one has blessed me in different areas of my life. I'd just like to encourage anyone that is ill physically or emotionally with the following verse:Isaiah 53:5 "But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, AND BY HIS WOUNDS WE ARE HEALED." We are not alone, our Lord is with us and we have been healed from any illness in our lives by the power of His blood; let's claim His promises. God Bless You.

Thanks Tracie!
I needed the reminder to surrender to God today. I fear that I have allowed life to get too hectic lately and I have been trying to take too much on my own shoulders. I was reminded that to say yes to God, I must remove self. I am surrendering all of my struggles, and disapointment to Him, as I know He is faithful to catch me when I fall.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I surrender today my family's health. My family is all healthy. However, when they are sick I perceive their sickness as my failure. I am consumed with providing proper nutrition and the best medical care. It is emotionally, physically, and mentallly time consuming.

I pray thanking God for the gentle reminder that He does have my life, and all that it includes, in His hands.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so glad that we have a God that we can cry out to and who actually hears us and answers. It was a boost to hear how God cushioned the fall of this baby. I praise Him for His continual help to each of us. I appreciate the application steps and reflections. These are very helpful to me. Thank you.

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